Listed here are the newest items available for sale,
as sorted by denomination and relation to United States Coinage.
Until we have completed updating our website,
several items may be listed on this page exclusively.

Coin photos are to scale: 5px to 1mm.

30 ITEMS ADDED 9/01/2022 - 9/30/2022

Obverse Reverse Inv Num Date Topic Comments Grade Value $
92364 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Howard Alexander MacDowell
0.999 Fine, 2.026 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92365 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Elias Howe
0.999 Fine, 2.000 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92366 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
John Adams
0.999 Fine, 2.386 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92367 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Francis Parkman
0.999 Fine, 2.138 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92368 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Henry Ward Beecher
0.999 Fine, 1.881 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92369 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Samuel F. B. Morse
0.999 Fine, 1.810 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92370 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
James Monroe
Uncirculated $150.00
92371 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Susan B. Anthony
0.999 Fine, 1.900 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92372 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Peter Cooper
0.999 Fine, 2.083 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92373 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Walt Whitman
0.999 Fine, 2.193 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92374 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Matthew Fontaine Maury
0.999 Fine, 2.283 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92375 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Charlotte Cushman
0.999 Fine, 2.222 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92376 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
George Peabody
0.999 Fine, 2.157 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92377 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Nathaniel Hawthorne
0.999 Fine, 2.344 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92378 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Harriet Beacher Stowe
0.999 Fine, 2.466 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92379 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Henry Clay
0.999 Fine, 1.849 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92380 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
0.999 Fine, 2.257 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92381 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
James Russell Lowell
0.999 Fine, 2.013 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92382 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Rufus Choate
0.999 Fine, 1.929 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92383 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Edwin Thomas Booth
0.999 Fine, 1.954 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92384 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
George Washington
0.999 Fine, 2.318 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92385 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Roger Williams
0.999 Fine, 1.804 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92386 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Andrew Jackson
0.999 Fine, 2.485 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92387 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Mark Twain
0.999 Fine, 2.013 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92388 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Stephen Collins Foster
0.999 Fine, 1.707 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92389 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Edgar Allan Poe
0.999 Fine, 2.296 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92390 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Alexander Hamilton
0.999 Fine, 1.993 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92391 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Eli Whitney
0.999 Fine, 1.775 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92392 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Ulysses S. Grant
0.999 Fine, 1.907 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
92393 S 1964 Medallic Art Company Silver Medal Hall of Fame
Wilbur & Orville Wright
0.999 Fine, 2.026 ASW
Uncirculated $150.00
Date of last update: 09/01/2022