Listed here are the newest items available for sale,
as sorted by denomination and relation to United States Coinage.
Until we have completed updating our website,
several items may be listed on this page exclusively.

Coin photos are to scale: 5px to 1mm.

ITEMS ADDED 10/19/2022 - 11/10/2022

Obverse Reverse Inv Num Date Topic Comments Grade Value $
92540 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-1
The Shot Heard Round the World
Proof $15.00
92541 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-2
New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Proof $15.00
92542 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-3
First Marine Recruiting Station
Proof $15.00
92543 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-4
Building of the Wilderness
Proof $15.00
92544 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-5
Albert Schweitzer
Proof $15.00
92545 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-6
Erie Canal
Proof $15.00
92546 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-7
Paul Revere's Ride
Proof $15.00
92547 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-8
Bob Hope 5 Star Civilian Award
Proof $15.00
92548 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-9
Gifford Pinchot
Society of American Foresters
Proof $15.00
92549 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-10
William T. Kerr
Founder of Flag Day
Proof $15.00
92550 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-11
Battle of Bunker Hill
Proof $15.00
92551 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-12
National Governer's Council
Proof $15.00
92552 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-13
City of New York
Proof $15.00
92553 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-14
Andre-Marie Ampère
Proof $15.00
92554 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-15
Jack Benny
Proof $15.00
92555 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-16
Patrick Henry
Proof $15.00
92556 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-17
Project Hope
Proof $15.00
92557 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-18
TAMS 15th Annual Convention
Proof $15.00
92558 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-19
Canonization of Elizabeth Seton
Proof $15.00
92559 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-20
15th Anniversary of First Air Reliability Tour
Proof $15.00
92560 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-21
George Washington, Commander in Chief
Proof $15.00
92561 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-22
National Conference of State Legislatures
Proof $15.00
92562 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-23
USO 200 Years of Service
Proof $15.00
92563 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-24
700th Anniversary of Marco Polo's Arrival in China
Proof $15.00
92564 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-25
200th Anniversary of Second Continental Congress
Proof $15.00
92565 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-26
Emperor Hirohito's Visit to the United States
Proof $15.00
92566 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-27
500th Anniversary of Birth of Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
Proof $15.00
92567 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-28
D. W. Griffith
Proof $15.00
92568 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-29
Ben Franklin, Postmaster General
Proof $15.00
92569 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-30
500th Anniversary of Birth of Michelangelo
Proof $15.00
92570 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-31
200th Anniversary of Birth of Jane Austin
Proof $15.00
92571 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-32
John Holland, Father of the Modern Submarine
Proof $15.00
92572 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-33
150th Anniversary of Stockton and Darlington Railway
Proof $15.00
92573 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-34
500th Anniversary of First Printing of Canterbury Tales
Proof $15.00
92574 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-35
300th Anniversary of Rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral
Proof $15.00
92575 R 1975 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 75-36
Matthew Webb, First Man to Swim the English Channel
Proof $15.00
92576 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-1
75th Anniversary of the Mummers Parade
Proof $15.00
92577 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-2
Huguenot-Thomas Paine Association
Proof $15.00
92578 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-3
Stephen Foster
Proof $15.00
92579 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-4
First Flight over the North Pole
Proof $15.00
92580 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-5
300th Anniversary of Bacon's Rebellion
Proof $15.00
92581 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-6
Edmund Barton, Australia's First Prime Minister
Proof $15.00
92582 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-7
American Chemical Society
Proof $15.00
92583 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-8
Alexander Graham Bell
Proof $15.00
92584 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-9
100th Anniversary of Birth of Clara Louise Maass
Proof $15.00
92585 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-10
Ben Franklin's Lending Library
Proof $15.00
92586 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-11
Robert Goddard
First Liquid Fuel Rocket
Proof $15.00
92587 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-12
Virginia Resolution for Independence
Proof $15.00
92588 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-13
Jonathan Swift
Proof $15.00
92589 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-14
Pennsylvania Main Line Canal
Proof $15.00
92590 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-15
United States Bicentennial at St. Augustine
Proof $15.00
92591 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-16
Common Faith, Common Law
Proof $15.00
92592 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-17
Student Bicentennial Competition
Proof $15.00
92593 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-18
Hampden-Sydney College
Proof $15.00
92594 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-19
TAMS 16th Annual Convention
Proof $15.00
92595 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-20
750th Anniversary of Death of St. Francis of Assisi
Proof $15.00
92596 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-21
Tank Cottage, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Proof $15.00
92597 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-22
100th Annual Meeting of the American Humane Association
Proof $15.00
92598 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-23
Mark Twain Memorial
Proof $15.00
92599 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-24
No Greater Love
Proof $15.00
92600 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-25
Marquis de Lafayette
Proof $15.00
92601 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-26
Al Jolson, Jazz Singer
Proof $15.00
92602 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-27
Father Junípero Serra
Proof $15.00
92603 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-28
Gertrude Ederle, First Woman to Swim the English Channel
Proof $15.00
92604 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-29
100th Anniversary of John Hopkins University
Proof $15.00
92605 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-30
Duke Paoa Kahanamoku
Father of Modern Surfing
Proof $15.00
92606 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-31
350th Anniversary of Saint Peter's Basilica
Proof $15.00
92607 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-32
Fred Marshal Viscount Montgomery
Proof $15.00
92608 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-33
National Park and Recreation Association
Proof $15.00
92609 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-34
The Second Century of Bicycling
Proof $15.00
92610 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-35
Colonel John Stevens
150th Anniversary of the First Railroad Steam Locomotive
Proof $15.00
92611 R 1976 Franklin Mint Special Commemorative Medal SCI 76-36
Elizabeth Stanton, Susan B. Anthony
125th Anniversary of the National Organization for Women
Proof $15.00
Date of last update: 09/01/2022