Obverse Reverse Inv Num Date Topic Comments Grade Value $
100865 R 1867 Religious Medal Lutheran Church of America
Seventh Jubilee
Extremely Fine $65.00
94749 R 1884 Religious Medal Centenary of Methodist-Episcopal Church
Centenary Medal
About Uncirculated $65.00
94653 R 1890s Religious Medal Old North Church
Boston, MA
Made from Pipes of The Old Organ
Extremely Fine $35.00
94833 R 1901 Religious Medal First Sunday School
Bishop Asbury
Very Fine
97072 R 1913 Religious Medal Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Providence, RI
Extremely Fine $35.00
95877 R 1917 Religious Medal Cornerstone of St. Bartholomew's Church
ANS Medal
About Uncirculated $85.00
94677 R 1950s Religious Medal Loyalty to Christ and Country
In Case of Need Contact Lutheran Chaplain
Extremely Fine $25.00
94959 R 1950s Religious Medal Behold St. Christopher
Then go on your way safely
Extremely Fine $10.00
94794 R 1957 Religious Medal Miami Men's Convention
Presbyterian Men
Uncirculated $18.00
Date of last update: 10/02/2024