Falmouth Stamp & Coin
11 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, MA 02540 
Your internet & neighborhood stamp & coin shop©


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Buy 10 or more coins and take 15% off*
Due to the wide fluctuations in the value of precious metals, i.e. silver,
some of the prices of our coins are outdated and need to be adjusted.
Please check with us on inventory and pricing while placing your order.


Obverse Reverse Prefix Inv Num Date Country Denom Topic Comments Fineness ASW Metal KM Grade Value $
FC 50544
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 About Uncirculated $25.00
    FC 10805
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Net Fine $5.00
    FC 6451
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Net Good $1.50
    FC 52020 M
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 14301 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 3878 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 50545 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 50546 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
    FC 14588 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $7.50
    FC 14589
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $7.50
    FC 14590 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $7.50
    FC 14591 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $7.50
    FC 14592
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Fine $5.00
FC 6552 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 30393 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 7827 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 3879 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 About Uncirculated $30.00
    FC 6087 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $8.00
FC 17756 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
    FC 10335 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $7.50
FC 17364 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 13977 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust 0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 22335 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 About Uncirculated $20.00
FC 26389
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Bril. Uncirculated $45.00
FC 27650 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 28134 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 30287 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
FC 30423 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Extremely Fine $15.00
    FC 31297
1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $7.00
    FC 31298 1904 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust   0.900 0.0723 Silver 2 Very Fine $7.00
FC 23809
1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Uncirculated $75.00
FC 23810
1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Uncirculated $75.00
FC 23811
1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Uncirculated $75.00
FC 37306 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust Left Numeric Value     Copper-Nickel 9 About Uncirculated $35.00
FC 37307 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Uniformed Bust Left Numeric Value     Copper-Nickel 7.1 About Uncirculated $35.00
    FC 30251 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $5.00
FC 18613 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $25.00
    FC 30252 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $5.00
    FC 30253 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $5.00
FC 50547 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $25.00
FC 50548 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $25.00
    FC 50549 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $5.00
FC 16598 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $20.00
FC 16599 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $20.00
FC 16597 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 About Uncirculated $40.00
FC 16596 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 About Uncirculated $40.00
FC 6827 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $25.00
FC 28690 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms       Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $25.00
    FC 32924 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Coat of Arms Numeric Value     Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $7.00
    FC 32925 1929 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Coat of Arms Numeric Value     Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $7.00
FC 7029 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $30.00
FC 28925 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 6828 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 30435 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 23829 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $20.00
FC 16595 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $25.00
FC 23828 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Extremely Fine $20.00
    FC 32926 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Coat of Arms Numeric Value     Copper-Nickel 9 Choice Very Fine $20.00
FC 19521 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 30249 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 28924 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 30250 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 3880 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 25724
1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Numeric Value     Copper-Nickel 9 Bril. Uncirculated $120.00
FC 34099 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms       Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 34100 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms       Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
FC 34101 1932 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms       Copper-Nickel 9 Very Fine $10.00
    FC 19990
1962 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms From Mint Set Copper-Nickel 23.2 Bril. Uncirculated $7.00
    FC 24247 1962 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 23.2 Bril. Uncirculated $7.00
    FC 3000 1967 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 23.2 Proof $5.00
    FC 3001 1967 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 23.2 Proof $5.00
    FC 3002 1968 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 23.2 Proof $5.00
    FC 3003 1968 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 23.2 Proof $5.00
    FC 3004 1968 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 23.2 Proof $5.00
    FC 29299 1968 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms       Copper-Nickel 23.2 Proof $7.00
    FC 29300 1968 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms       Copper-Nickel 23.2 Bril. Uncirculated $6.00
    FC 29301 1973 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms       Copper-Nickel 23.2 Uncirculated $3.00
    FC 50550 1974 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel 23.2 Proof $6.00
    FC 29557 1975 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Carlos J. Finlay Copper-Nickel 35.1 Uncirculated $2.50
    FC 29558 1975 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Carlos J. Finlay Copper-Nickel 35.1 Uncirculated $2.50
    FC 12551 1975 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Carlos J. Finlay Copper-Nickel 35.1 Proof $3.00
    FC 21864 1975 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Carlos J. Finlay Copper-Nickel 35.1 Proof $3.00
    FC 29308 1975 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Carlos J. Finlay       Copper-Nickel 35.1 Proof $3.00
    FC 28246 1978 PANAMA 5 Centesimos Carlos J. Finlay Mintage 11,000 Copper-Nickel Clad Copper 47 Proof $8.00
    FC 16830
1983 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel Clad Copper 86 Bril. Uncirculated $4.00
    FC 16824
1983 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Copper-Nickel Clad Copper 86 Bril. Uncirculated $4.00
    FC 23418 1983 PANAMA 5 Centesimos National Arms Numeric Value Copper-Nickel Clad Copper 86 Bril. Uncirculated $4.00

Telephone 508-548-7075 
Fax 508-495-6533 (24 hours)
Orders Only please: 888-US COINS (888-872-6467)
Postal address:
11 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, Massachusetts 02540 
Electronic mail 
General Information: fscorders@capecod.net

We ship via USPS: weight + content value = rate

Send mail to: fscorders@capecod.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998-2025 Falmouth Stamp & Coin
Date of last update: 11/18/2024