Falmouth Stamp & Coin
11 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, MA 02540 
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The Germany listings on this page start in 1928 with the rise of the Nazis to the end of World War II.
Included are regular and commemorative issues.
The illustrations are from the actual stamps,
with a couple exceptions where we have multiple copies.

Click on the image to view a larger scan.
Image Scott # Inv.  # Description Catalog Net Price
366-375 45318 366-69, 371-73, 375, all Mint-NH, President Friedrich Ebert & Paul von Hindenburg Issues $120.00 $84.00
366-384 41778 Complete set, used Note:  We have multiple sets, President Friedrich Ebert & Paul von Hindenburg Issues $35.75 $25.03
367 45315 Mint, Never hinged von Hindenberg $8.00 $5.60
368 45316 Mint, Never hinged von Hindenberg $3.55 $2.49
373 45317 Mint, Never hinged von Hindenberg $14.25 $9.98
385-86 48482 Ebert issue with overpring.  Mint, Hinged $3.60 $2.52
391-97 48483 von Hindenbert complete set.  Mint, Hinged $36.95 $25.87
398-400 48484 Frederick the Great complete set.  Mint, Hinged $44.50 $31.15
399-400 6673 Frederick the Great two higher issues.  Mint, Hinged $43.70 $30.59
415-31 6791 von Hindenbert issue of 1933036, complete, Used $8.45 $5.92
415-431 28150 von Hindenberg issue of 1933-36, complete.  Mostly Mint, Hinged with several Never Hinged in set $15.20 $10.64
415b 6793 Booklet strip of 4 + label. Mint, no gum $2.00 $1.40
415 6676 1 cent von Hindenberg MNH Block of 4 $4.25 $2.98
416 6674 3c von Hindenberg, MNH with perf separation & small tear.   Overprint on one stamp $2.00 $1.40
419-431 6792 von Hindenberg issue of 1933-36, incomplete, Used.  8 stamps $4.85 $3.40
431 6675 von Hindenberg 100pf Used $1.20 $0.84
432-434 6679 Franz Adolf E Luderitz & Karl Peters, Mint Hinged.  3pf, 12pf $5.25 $3.68
432-435 61714 Karl Peters & others, complete set, Used $29.70 $20.79
435 62141 Herman von Wissmann 25pf, Used $20.00 $14.00
436-441 6682 von Hindenberg Memorial Issue, complete, Used $11.10 $7.77
436-441 62140 von Hindenberg Memorial Issue, complete, Used
Note: Image may not be identical to stamps.
$11.10 $7.77
436-441 38151 von Hindenberg Memorial Issue, Mint Hinged $14.90 $10.43
437-439 45341 von Hindenberg Memorial Issue, 5pf & 8pf values, Mint Never Hinged $25.00 $17.50
441 41769 von Hindenberg Memorial Issue, 25pf value.  Mint with disturbed gun $15.00 $10.50
442-443 28152 Nuremberg Castle, Mint Hinged $7.00 $4.90
442-443 41770 Nuremberg Castle, Mint Never Hinged $68.00 $47.60
444-445 6693 Saar, 2 issues, complete.  Mint, Hinged (Multiple copies) $7.25 $5.08
444-445 45307 Saar, 2 issues, complete.  Mint, Never Hinged $72.50 $50.75
446-447 45343 von Schiller, complete.  Mint Never Hinged $87.50 $61.25
446-447 6692 von Schiller, complete.  Used $1.20 $0.84
448-451 45336 Saar issue complete, Mint Never Hinged $96.50 $67.55
448-451 45342 Saar issue complete, Mint Never Hinged $96.50 $67.55
448-451 45351 Saar issue complete, Mint Never Hinged $96.50 $67.55
448-451 6698 Saar issue complete, Used $11.20 $7.84
448-51 62142 Saar issue complete, Used $11.20 $7.84
449 6700 6pf Saar issue, Used $0.75 $0.53
451 45338 25pf Saar issue, Mint Never Hinged $72.00 $50.40
452-453 28153 German Soldier, complete, Mint Hinged $3.35 $2.35
452-453 6702 German Soldier, complete, Used $3.20 $2.24
453 45303 12pf German Soldier, Mint Never Hinged $10.00 $7.00
454-455 6705 Wreath & Swastika complete, Mint Hinged $2.85 $2.00
454-455 45328 Wreath & Swastika complete, Mint Never Hinged $20.00 $14.00
456-458 28154 Composer celebration complete, Mint Hinged $3.80 $2.66
458 6709 Handel celebration, Used $0.90 $0.63
459-461 6713 Centenary of railroad, 3 stamps, Used $3.50 $2.45
459-462 45353 Centenary of railroad, complete set, Mint Never Hinged $108.00 $75.60
459-462 28155 Centenary of railroad, complete set, Used $5.40 $3.78
462 45327 Centenary of railroad, 40pf, Mint Never Hinged $35.50 $24.85
463-464 45347 Hitler Youth Bugler, complete, Mint Never Hinged $23.00 $16.10
464 6716 Hitler Youth Bugler, 15pf, Mint disturbed gum, stain $5.00 $3.50
464 45332 Hitler Youth Bugler, 15pf, Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $15.00 $10.50
465-466 28156 Eagle & Swastika complete set, Mint Hinged $3.50 $2.45
467-468 28157 Flag Bearer at Munich, complete set, Mint Hinged $0.85 $0.60
469 45330 Airplane, Mint Never Hinged $45.00 $31.50
469 6722 Airplane. Mint Hinged $6.40 $4.48
470 6721 50th Anniv of Auto 6pf, Ming Hinged $0.70 $0.49
470-471 28158 50th Anniv of Auto complete set, Ming Hinged $1.60 $1.12
470-471 45346 50th Anniv of Auto complete set, Ming Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $12.75 $8.93
472 6724 von Guericke 6pf, Mint Hinged $0.30 $0.21
472 6728 von Guericke 6pf, Mint Never Hinged $1.30 $0.91
473 45322 Municipalities 3pf Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $2.00 $1.40
473-476 28159 Municipalities complete set of 4, Mint Hinged $4.00 $2.80
473-476 45324 Municipalities complete set of 4, Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $16.00 $11.20
473-476 6732 Municipalities complete set of 4, Used $2.30 $1.61
474 45321 Municipalities 5pf Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $2.80 $1.96
475 45320 Municipalities 12pf Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $3.60 $2.52
477-478 6737 Vacation & Recreation, comp set, Mint Hinged $1.90 $1.33
477-478 45349 Vacation & Recreation, comp set, Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $14.25 $9.98
478 6738 Vacation & Recreation 15pf Used $1.00 $0.70
479-480 28160 Salute to Swastika, 2 issues, Mint Hinged $1.60 $1.12
479-480 6739 Salute to Swastika, 2 issues, Used $1.20 $0.84
481-482 45333 Shield Bearer, 3pfm 6pf, Mint Never Hinged $5.75 $4.03
481-483 28161 Shield Bearer, complet e set of 3, Mint Hinged $2.40 $1.68
482-483 6742 Shield Bearer, 6pf, 12pf, Used $1.15 $0.81
484-485 28162 GER & AUST wth Nazi flag, Mint Hinged $1.60 $1.12
485 6746 GER & AUST wth Nazi flag, Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $2.00 $1.40
486 45335 Sports Festival 1936, 3pf, Mint Never Hinged $1.25 $0.88
486-489 28163 Sports Festival 1936, set of 4 Mint Hinged $3.10 $2.17
486-489 28541 Sports Festival 1936, set of 4 Mint Hinged $3.10 $2.17
486-489 45334 Sports Festival 1936, set of 4 Mint Never Hinged $13.00 $9.10
486-489 6745 Sports Festival 1936, set of 4 Used $2.30 $1.61
490-491 28164 Nazi Emblem, set of 2, Mint Hinged $4.40 $3.08
490-491 6751 Nazi Emblem, set of 2, Mint Hinged $4.40 $3.08
492-493 28542 Unification of Danzig, set of 2, Mint Hinged (Multiple copies) $1.10 $0.77
492-493 47776 Unification of Danzig, set of 2, Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $4.00 $2.80
495-497 6755 Leipzig 1940, 3 issues, Mint Never Hinged $6.50 $4.55
494-497 28165 Leipzig 1940, set of 4, Mint Hinged (Multiple copies) $2.45 $1.72
500-501 6756 Leipzig Fair, 2 values, Mint Hinged $1.10 $0.77
501 6757 Leipzig Fair, 1 value, Used $1.60 $1.12
502-505 28167 Vienna Fair, set of 4, Mint Hinged $2.45 $1.72
504-505 6759 Vienna Fair, 2 values, Mint Never Hinged $6.45 $4.52
505 6760 Vienna Fair, 1 value, Used $1.60 $1.12
506-517 6775 Hitler Issue, 12 issues, Mint Hinged We have used copies of this issue available.  Ask. $3.70 $2.59
511A 6761 Hitler issue, 10pf Mint No Gum $0.25 $0.18
514 6762 Hitler Issue, 15pf, Mint OG $0.25 $0.18
517 55365 Hitler Issue, 24pf, Mint, Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $1.00 $0.70
518-522 6764-1 Hitler Issue, 4 values 25, 30, 40 & 60pf, Mint Hinged
50pf & 80pf not included.
$1.00 $0.70
518-523 6764 Hitler Issue, 6 values, Mint Hinged $1.50 $1.05
519-523 6765 Hitler Issue, 5 values as illustrated.  Used (Multiple copies) $2.25 $1.58
524 6767 Hitler Issue 1RM Perf 14 Used $5.25 $3.68
524 47779 Hitler Issue, 1RM Perf 14, Mint Hinged $0.45 $0.32
524a 47779 Hitler Issue, 1RM, Perf 12.5, Mint Hinged $1.60 $1.12
525 6769 Hitler Issue 2RM, Minth Hinged (Multiple copies) $1.60 $1.12


Hitler Issue 2RM Used, Perf 12.5 $6.00 $4.20
526-527 47778 Hitler Issue 3RM & 5RM, Mint Hinged $4.85 $3.40
528 6773 Storm Trooper Emblem, Mint Hinged $0.25 $0.18
528 6774 Storm Trooper Emblem, Mint Never Hinged (Multiple copies) $0.75 $0.53
529 6772 Adolph Hitler, Mint Hinged $0.25 $0.18
529 6771 Adolph Hitler, Mint Never Hinged $0.30 $0.21

Telephone 508-548-7075 
Fax 508-495-6533 (24 hours)
Orders Only please: 888-US COINS (888-872-6467)
Postal address:
11 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, Massachusetts 02540 
Electronic mail 
General Information: fscorders@capecod.net

We ship via USPS: weight + content value = rate

Send mail to: fscorders@capecod.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998-2025 Falmouth Stamp & Coin
Date of last update: 05/20/16