Falmouth Stamp & Coin |
To Order by email:
This is just a sampling. |
Primary Image | Secondary Image | Country | Inv. # | Scott # | Description | Cat $ | Price | |||
Finland | 2 | 27978 | Issue of 1856 Used |
$400.00 | 280.00 | |||||
Finland | 2 | 3607 | 1856 Coat of Arms Used, damaged with top center missing |
$400.00 | 95.00 | |||||
Finland | 2 | 63161 | Issue of 1856 Coat of Arms Used, Pen cancel |
$400.00 | $300.00 | |||||
Finland | 3 | 47512 | Issue of 1858 Coat of Arms |
$1,800.00 | $1,100.00 | |||||
Finland | 4 | 3330 | Issue of 1860 Coat of Arms Used, Corner missing |
$170.00 | $85.00 | |||||
Finland | 4 | 47511 | Issue of 1860 Coat of Arms |
$170.00 | $110.00 | |||||
Finland | 4 | 63537 | Issue of 1860 Coat of Arms |
$170.00 | $20.00 | |||||
Finland | 6 | 27985 | Issue of 1866-74 Used with one pulled perf |
$170.00 | $105.00 | |||||
Finland | 6 | 63539 | Issue of 1866-74 Used with some corner damage |
$170.00 | $95.00 | |||||
Finland | 6b | 27979 | Issue of 1866-74, red-brown Used with minor corner damage |
$110.00 | |||||
Finland | 7 | 49982 | Issue of 1866-74 Used with short perfs on left side |
$225.00 | $125.00 | |||||
Finland | 7 | 63162 | Issue of 1866-74 Used with short perfs on right side |
$225.00 | $110.00 | |||||
Finland | 7 | 63540 | Issue of 1866-74 Used with short perfs on left side and damage to lower right. |
$225.00 | $95.00 | |||||
Finland | 7c | 27980 | Issue of 1866-74 Used. Perfs cut into design on right |
$225.00 | $150.00 | |||||
Finland | 7d | 27988 | Issue of 1866-74 Used. Short perfs lower left |
$325.00 | $220.00 | |||||
Finland | 8 | 27981 | Issue of 1866-74 Used. Some short perfs |
$350.00 | $225.00 | |||||
Finland | 8 | 27987 | Issue of 1866-74 Used |
$350.00 | $245.00 | |||||
Finland | 8 | 49983 | Issue of 1866-74 Perf damage on right & left |
$350.00 | $175.00 |
Finland | 12 | 27986 | Issue of 1866-74 Unused, no gum |
$290.00 | $190.00 | |||||
Finland | 12 | 63546 | Issue of 1866-74 Used |
$160.00 | $110.00 | |||||
Finland | 13 | 63547 | Issue of 1866-74 Used |
$290.00 | $175.00 | |||||
Finland | 23 | 3623 | Issue of 1875-1881 Very Light Cancel |
$60.00 | $50.00 | |||||
Finland | 23 | 27993 | Issue of 1875-1881 Used |
$60.00 | $40.00 | |||||
Finland | 38-43 | 27994 | Scott #38-40, 42-43 Incomplete set of 5 Issue of 1889-92 Mint, OG, Hinged |
$196.75 | $135.00 | |||||
Finland | 57 | 27997 | Issue of 1891-92 Mint, OG, Hinged |
$325.00 | $230.00 | |||||
Finland | 64-68 | 1730 | Issue of 1901 Set of 5, Mint, Hinged |
#466.00 | $325.00 | |||||
Finland | 64-68 | 1731 | Issue of 1901 Set of 5, Used |
$24.75 | $17.00 | |||||
Finland | 178-79 | 3626 | 1930 Lake Samia & Woodchopper Used |
$5.25 | $3.75 | |||||
Finland | 219B, 248 | 3627 | 1939-42 Helsinki Post Office 9Mk & 1945, 20Mk Used |
$2.35 | $1.70 | |||||
Finland | 253A | 3628 | 1946-47 Post Bus Used |
$0.50 | $0.40 | |||||
Telephone 508-548-7075
Fax 508-495-6533 (24 hours)
Orders Only please: 888-US COINS (888-872-6467)
Postal address:
11 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, Massachusetts 02540
Electronic mail
General Information:
We ship via USPS: weight + content value
= rate
Send mail to: fscorders@capecod.net
with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998-2025 Falmouth Stamp & Coin
Date of last update: